How to create bokeh explosion with one simple modification

If you enjoy experimenting with bokeh shapes, I’ve found a perfect tutorial for you. Mathieu Stern is known for his solutions which are so simple that they are ingenious. In under a minute, he’ll teach you how to create spectacular “bokeh explosion” with a simple modification of the lens. Mathieu uses a MIR-1B, a cheap […]

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These celebrities are serious about their photography

Everyone is a photographer, and that includes celebrities. But some celebrities take their photography more seriously than others, investing both significant time and money into developing their craft. Here’s a small sampling. Jeff Bridges The Dude photographs! Jeff Bridges is well-known for his on-set photography using a Widelux camera. The panoramic images have become somewhat […]

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This is what photographers need to know about the modelling industry

I think it’s fair to say that most photographers will at some point in their career have to work with models at least once. Whether you’re a still life shooter that photographs models’ hands holding a fork full of food a couple of times a year or an e-commerce shooter that works with models every […]

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How our attachment to past makes us overlook new trends and talent in photography

There’s a very succinct analogy by Marshall McLuhan, summing up our society’s focus on the past: “We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future.” McLuhan was referring to technology, but his observation works just as well in the context of modern-day photography: Even as technology reshapes it, we […]

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These are three essential components for telling story in a single photo

You know what they say: a picture is worth a thousand words. But telling a story with a single image is not an easy task. As you know, there are many essential components of a good photo, both regarding technical quality and the story it tells. Photographers Chase Jarvis and Joe McNally teamed up to […]

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You really can’t hear trains until they’re almost right on top of you

It’s that time of year again. It’s warming up, the sun’s coming back, and people are going outside to shoot more portraits. And as often happens when we reach this time of year, some of those portrait sessions happen on train tracks. And occasionally, people get killed by trains while shooting on those tracks. TODAY investigative […]

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What does it really mean to be a professional photographer?

What does it mean to be a professional photographer, and what makes you a professional photographer? Is it about earning money and making a living from photography? Or perhaps there is more to it? In his latest video, John Edelman tries to give an answer to these questions and define what makes a professional photographer. […]

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Why Sharpness is Overrated

“Sharpness is a bourgeois (rich person) concept.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson 1. Softer lenses often have more soul I remember when I started digital photography; the sharper the photo, the better. In reality, a sharper photo is not a better photo. Often, a softer photograph gives you a more pleasing, soft, warm, and emotional aesthetic. For […]

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How to create glowing text titles in-camera without Photoshop

Ever since Stranger Things, glowing title text has once again become a popular theme. Much of it now, though, is created in post. It’s fairly simple to do in either Photoshop or After Effects, too. But it always has that look of artificiality. It’s too perfect, too clean. It doesn’t have that organic feel of […]

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