16 things every photographer should be able to do in less than 10 seconds

As a professional photographer, you really need to know your stuff.  And there are some things you should be able to do fast, without thinking or even without looking. Ed Gregory from Photos in Color has a list of 16 things every photographer should be able to do in less than 10 seconds. If you’re […]

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Is photography the best educator? I think so and here’s why

It’s been said that in 2017 everyone is a photographer, and from the unrelenting firehose of pictures that fill every inch of digital real estate and social media these days I can see why folks would think that. Of course just taking a picture doesn’t make you a photographer any more than microwaving a bag […]

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Suspending objects with fishing line: what you should always have around

There’s more to a successful shoot than just the photo and lighting gear. There are plenty others bits and pieces to carry with you, that will enable you efficient and successful shooting and help you overcome gear problems that may emerge. We’ve seen plenty of great practical tips from Jay P. Morgan so far about […]

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You should be printing your photos, and here’s why

In the age of digital photography, few people still print their images. We are used to storing them on clouds, hard drives, and other digital mediums. But there are reasons why printing shouldn’t be forgotten and why it’s still an important part of the photography process. In his video, Peter McKinnon gives some excellent points […]

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New T-Shirt: Adjust Your Focus Premium Tee

We’ve got a new premium version of the “When life gets blurry, adjust your focus” design that we launched last fall. Some people didn’t like the way the original shirt felt (some loved it though) but the new premium version is a thinner, softer fabric and offers a fitted design with a longer torso. While it’s a […]

Copyright and Censorship on Instagram: Marie Claire stole my photo and blocked me from commenting

Yesterday I found out that one of my photographs was misused, or stolen if you ask me, by a major international publishing company. Sadly this type of thing is so common that it’s almost not even worth writing about. However, it’s what happened during my quest to call-out the company that really captured my attention. […]

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Kai’s photography tips for newbies: where to start and how to improve your photography

If you’re new to photography, this world can seem overwhelming and confusing. This video from Kai Wong talks straight to the point and it’s a great guideline for newbies who don’t know where to start. It will help you sort things out, but maybe more importantly – it’s a great guideline for improving your photography […]

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Kai’s photography tips for newbies: where to start and how to improve your photography

If you’re new to photography, this world can seem overwhelming and confusing. This video from Kai Wong talks straight to the point and it’s a great guideline for newbies who don’t know where to start. It will help you sort things out, but maybe more importantly – it’s a great guideline for improving your photography […]

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How to make the same subject look interesting in photos every time

Taking photos of the same subject over and over again sounds tiring. It seems hardly doable to make the shots interesting every time. But it’s not impossible. In this video, Peter McKinnon shares some awesome advice how to take new, fresh and interesting photos without losing inspiration. It will certainly inspire you to take a […]

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Man buys stack of negatives in flea market, discovers works of unknown master photographer

I’m sure you’ve heard of Vivian Maier and the incredible story how her photos were discovered. A similar story happened when an American tourist, Tom Sponheim, bought a stack of negatives in 2001. He got them for $3.5 in a flea market in Barcelona, and they turn out to be way more valuable. After developing […]

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