Photography Isn’t a Contest: why You Should Stay Away from Photography Contests

I wanted to write to you about photography contests — why I generally recommend staying away from them. First of all, if you enter your photo into a contest, you suddenly become a slave to the opinions of others. The most important person to please in your photography is yourself. Not judges. Not random people […]

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All you need to know about social media for photographers and marketing your photography business

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest… When you start thinking about social networks, your head starts to spin. There are so many of them, and it’s not easy to decide which ones you should use as a photographer. Using them all takes a lot of time. It’s sometimes hard to distinguish what makes the use for business […]

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Kodak launches their own UBER photography service: KODAKIT

Along with the news about re-launching Ektachrome, Kodak seems to have some other news, too. At CES 2017, they announced the global launch of their on-demand photography service KODAKIT. Although the app was launched almost a year ago, the online service is now available worldwide. It covers 37 countries and 92 cities. Historically, Kodak is […]

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What are the differences between selfies and self-portraits?

I am a great fan of self-portraits. I am not the best photographer, but I’m my own best model, that’s for sure. At the same time, I don’t really like selfies and I rarely take them. When I tell this to people, they often ask me “What’s the difference?” I wasn’t sure how to explain […]

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Philanthropy through photography: how to do good by doing what you love

If you were to ask me about a specific time in my life when photography made a significant impact it would’ve been fall of 2011. For my birthday, my husband surprised me by taking me out for lunch at a tiny burger dive, and then stopping in at the local art museum. He’s not exactly […]

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Re-Search fights gender stereotypes in job image search

I’m sure you’ve encountered with gender stereotypes at some point of your life, one way or another. Unfortunately, they are all around us, even in the image search engine results. International technology company Semcon Global has recognized this and decided to do something about it. They wanted to draw attention to gender inequality and existing […]

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Is being a photographer worth losing time with your kids?

No matter who you are and what you do, the moment you become a parent, your life changes forever. For Benjamin (Ben) Lowy it was exactly like this. He is an award-winning conflict photographer who covered Iraq War in 2003, as well as many other major events all over the world. But becoming a dad made […]

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This handy tool helps creatives say “no” to dismal projects

As a photographer, I’m sure you’ve been in those situations when people ask you to work for peanuts, or even worse – for free. Not many things annoy me as the sentence “Come on, it’s only a few snaps.” No, it’s not. Of course, there are some instances when you can and should work for […]

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How to Be a Zen Photographer

I’m a big fan of Zen/Taoist, Eastern philosophy. Even though I am very pro-American at heart (in terms of our love for risk-taking, for individuality, and for freedom), I see a lot of negatives of the American/Western line of thinking. There is too much focus on “profit”, “success”, and externalizing your self-worth in terms of […]

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Photographer’s gear gets blown up by the bomb squad

If you ever need a good reason to not leave your baggage unattended, this is it. After a “hard black box” was found on the steps of City Hall in Kansas City, what happened next seems obvious. The suspicious package was reported to the police, who promptly came and blew it up. KSHB reports that police were […]

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