4 questions that make a hobbyist photographer feel uncomfortable

What is photography to you? Is it your business or you just something you do for fun and pleasure? For me, it’s the second one. I have been into photography for quite a long time, yet I never turned it into a career. It’s always been something else that paid my bills, and photography is […]

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Official White House photographer for Donald Trump announced: Shealah Craighead

After some rumours and speculations, the new Presidential photographer has finally been announced. Obama’s photographer Pete Souza left the White House, and the one to replace him and work with Donald Trump is Shealah Craighead. She is a photojournalist who already has the history of photographing politicians, and even working in the White House for George […]

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Photographer mom shared a photo of her son and his father in a shower – and now she’s going to court

Heather Whitten, a photographer and a mom, recently shared a photo of her husband taking care of their sick son. She captured the dad taking care of the boy in the shower. The photo caused millions of positive reactions all over the internet, but a single negative one was enough to send her to court. […]

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Photographing the President: an overview and interesting facts about all presidential photographers

The importance of presidential photography cannot be understated in today’s visual world. Although the bulk of photography since the inception of regular presidential photography in the 1950s still consists of “grip and grin” photo ops, White House photographers have sought to capture a more intimate look at the leader of the free world. Press access […]

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Do you have what it takes to become the official White House photographer?

The concept of official White House photographer was established in the 1960s and started with John. F. Kennedy. Since then, every president of the US, except Jimmy Carter, has had his official photographer. The latest video by DigitalRev shows a brief history of presidents and their official photographers. We’ve been surrounded lately by the news […]

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Do you have what it takes to become the official White House photographer?

The concept of official White House photographer was established in the 1960s and started with John. F. Kennedy. Since then, every president of the US, except Jimmy Carter, has had his official photographer. The latest video by DigitalRev shows a brief history of presidents and their official photographers. We’ve been surrounded lately by the news […]

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White House photographer Pete Souza reflects on his time following President Obama

Jobs like White House Photographer fascinate me. It’s not that I’m particularly interested in doing that kind of work (quite the opposite, in fact). But that it’s so far removed from the type of photography that most of us do on a daily basis. There’s many different challenges. Different goals. It’s a completely different way of […]

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Antony Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon and Photographer, Dies at 86

Antony Armstrong-Jones, the Earl of Snowdon and Princess Margaret’s former husband, passed away today at his home in London at the age of 86. Apart from being the Queen’s (former) brother-in-law, he was also an inventor, photographer and Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker. Despite his divorce from Princess Margaret, he continued to take photos of the […]

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“Shoot Portraits, Not People” – a provocative project that brings guns and cameras together

In this hectic and violent world, photographers use the term “shooting” for totally different purposes. Jason Siegel is a photographer who combines the two meanings in a controversial and thought-provoking project called “Shoot Portraits, Not People”. This is his first non-photography based art project. In order to make it, he used photographic equipment built into […]

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