Preparing for a Long Production Day

Media professionals can all relate to the long production day. Whether you’re a landscape photographer waking up at zero dark thirty to capture the first light or a wedding photographer shooting from bridal prep straight through to the reception, we’ve all had those days. In the video world, I’ve had my share of long production days, especially when they’re back to back.

Preparing for a Long Production Day

Media professionals can all relate to the long production day. Whether you’re a landscape photographer waking up at zero dark thirty to capture the first light or a wedding photographer shooting from bridal prep straight through to the reception, we’ve all had those days. In the video world, I’ve had my share of long production days, especially when they’re back to back.

The Search for a Perfect Camera

I’m in the market for a new camera and it’s been a struggle to decide which one I want. Being a techie, I’ve analyzed every spec and feature from all the cameras, weighed cost and portability, and compared it to the gear I already have. And still no answer.