This campaign promotes pet adoption through brilliant optical illusion photos

We all know that photography can be a powerful tool for sending a message. A recent campaign from an animal shelter in India is a beautiful example how photography conveys a strong message and calls to action. A series of photos created for World for All shows that there’s always room for a pet in a […]

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Meet the PhoDOGraphers, a team of adorable canines taught to take photos of their owners

If you’re anything like me (and the rest of the internet) it’s safe to say you have hundreds, if not thousands of photos of your four-legged child, Fido. It’s not at all uncommon to take photos of your pet, either for the sake of sharing them with the world or archiving them so you can […]

The post Meet the PhoDOGraphers, a team of adorable canines taught to take photos of their owners appeared first on DIY Photography.