Photo Methodology | The Palouse

Last week, we had a bunch of fun roaming around the urban jungle of New York City. This week, we’re heading to the opposite side of the country and landing in Washington. Specifically, we’re going to spend time exploring the Palouse region. Odds are, you’ve seen photos of the Palouse and its mind-bending array of […]

For The Sake Of Your Sanity, Say NO

Recently, a portrait photographer I know shared in an online group that he had been approached by an acquaintance who wanted him to shoot their upcoming wedding. After giving it careful thought, he eventually came to the firm decision to turn the potential client down because, not only was it was outside of his target […]

Finding Your Niche

Editor’s Note: We’d like to welcome Nicci Widener.  She’s a photographer and a mother of 3 from the Pacific Northwest.  She first picked up a camera when her oldest child was born in 1998 but made the decision to make it a career in 2006. Please welcome her in the comments below. Everyone has a story about how […]

Photo Methodology | The Williamsburg Bridge

Let’s trade one famous city for another. Last week, we cruised along the train system of Berlin, Germany. This week, we’re going home! Well, we’re going to my home at least—New York City—and to celebrate, I’m going to include a few before & after photos for this episode! I spent the first 18 years of […]

One Argument Against The Quest For More Megapixels

Nicole recently wrote a nice post explaining the megapixel madness we’re experiencing right now, and why in some cases it makes sense. I want to add to her article by sharing my perspective. I understand the argument for more megapixels when you want to print big. It’s a valid argument. I know a lot and […]

Are Generic Camera Products Worth it?

Like many of us, I am on a budget. I want to save money and buy things that I perceive to be a good deal. As you are aware, there are third-party options for just about everything in dealing with our cameras. Some are absolutely worth it and some just don’t make the cut.  Here are a few […]

Photo Methodology | Berlin Commuters

Let’s trade cities for a bit. Last week, we were situated in Granada, Nicaragua. This week, we’re going to move to an entirely different city in an entirely different part of the world—Berlin, Germany. I visited this wonderful city in February 2014 and loved how easy it was to navigate through their public transportation system. […]

Photographing Food Can Be Considered Copyright Infringement In Germany (And, Why I Agree)

Earlier this year, we talked about how many restaurants are embracing social media as a means of free advertising. Some American restaurants even changed their menus, ingredients, and plating to cater to those Instagram loving, self proclaimed “foodies”.  In Germany, however, it seems as though some chefs are a lot less keen on the idea […]

The post Photographing Food Can Be Considered Copyright Infringement In Germany (And, Why I Agree) appeared first on DIY Photography.

Megapixels: Does Size Matter?

Back in 2009, when I made my living photographing stock imagery, the size of the images we could license made a difference in our potential for sales. Photos were sold based on how big the file was (in megapixels), so photographers with large-megapixel cameras had a more competitive edge over those of us who did not. At […]