Using Flag Scarves for Newborn Portraits

Newborn photography has become very popular in recent years, and in that genre, there have been many trends. Styles range from simple and minimalistic, to highly stylized with props and backdrops. Most recently, I have noticed a trend with flags being used to wrap up or hold newborns. This is very popular with families in the […]

Third Quarter is Over: Have You Registered your Photos?

In the beginning of the year I wrote, “Have You Created Your 2015 Metadata Copyright Preset?” reminding us to update our copyright information for the New Year.  This quick tip made sure we added our copyright information to every photo we imported into Lightroom.  Our next step to protect our images is to register them […]

Making Selects by using Flags in Lightroom

Once we imported our photos to our catalog, we need to quickly review each image and select our favorites. The trick is NOT to make this a time consuming task. One option is to use the Flagging system to temporarily select your favorite images. It’s important not to get hung up on an image. If […]

Don’t Let Anger Ruin Your Photography 

Through the years I’ve taught a lot of photographers. I’ve witnessed their struggles to stay relevant and competitive.  I’ve also seen a lot of bad things happen to creative professionals.  Making a living has never been harder. But getting angry isn’t the answer. Photography is about capturing the moments of life.  We have a great […]

The Three C’s of File Management – Copy, Clone, and Cloud!

Editor’s Note: Please welcome David J. Crewe to the Photofocus team.  He’s a professional photographer from Chicago and we’re super happy to have him here.  Please post a welcome message in the comments or drop him a line. As a professional photographer in the digital age, protecting your data is one of the most important things […]

Quick Photo Tip: Have doubts? Just pan!

I suspect a lot of photographers can relate to the scenario of arriving on location with your camera but without much certainty about what to do with it. This happens to me a lot. It’s not like we always have the luxury of having every frame mapped out before we even arrive. Sometimes, there is […]