Every Photographer Has a Place

One of the most common posts I see in photography forums and groups are those upset about the prices other photographers are charging. While this may be a bit of a controversial post, I’d like to offer another way to view this oft argued subject. It never fails, after a year or two of charging for […]

The Search for a Perfect Camera

I’m in the market for a new camera and it’s been a struggle to decide which one I want. Being a techie, I’ve analyzed every spec and feature from all the cameras, weighed cost and portability, and compared it to the gear I already have. And still no answer.

Dealing with that Creative Rut

I don’t know if there’s a term for the photographer’s equivalent for writer’s block, but l had it for the majority of last year. I remember that I couldn’t feel the vibe, I couldn’t find the energy to shoot and I couldn’t find the motivation. I took a double dose of it all when I […]

Stop Obsessing over Stats and SEO!

Great you finally have your website up and going. You have set up stat counter and google analytics. A few weeks later you check your stats and you don’t have any visitors. You start internet searching and everything is overwhelming. A Quick Explanation on How Search Engines Work As you can imagine there are billions of […]

The Visual Palette – Depth of Field

Welcome to the second of six posts focused on topics found in my newest book, The Visual Palette. Each of these posts will include a free sample download from my book for you to download and enjoy. You can also check out Part 1 in case you missed it. You can learn more about my first […]

Save Your Neck and Lose That Strap

You know that neck strap that came with your camera? Yes, the one that has the big Nikon/Canon/Sony/Fuji/Panasonic/Olympus logo on it. That thing should stay tightly locked in the box your camera came in. Neck straps, especially the stock ones, are much more trouble than they are worth. Lose the strap and not only will […]

My Wedding Workflow: Start to Finish

Thinking back to when I started my wedding photography business in 2006, I had no idea what I was getting myself in to. I thought there would be some communication before the day, show up for a long day of photographing, then kick back on the couch for a bit while I edit, and voila! […]