Lens Distortion in Portraits

As a portrait photographer, I love getting a close, tight shot that really captures the personality of my subject. Understanding the limitations and effects your gear has on the final image is vital. Close up portraits are typically shot using a focal length of 85mm or longer, but when starting out, these lenses may not be an […]

How To Create Measurable Photography Goals: Part 2

In part 1 of this post, I discussed growing your weak areas and developing a dream client communication plan. Here in part 2, we’re going to take a look at additional ways you can set goals in order to foster growth for your photography and your business. Let’s start with the scary subject first: numbers. […]

How To Create Measurable Photography Goals: Part 1

Setting Measurable Goals To Foster Growth: Part 1 Have you ever felt your passion for photography grow stagnant? I certainly have, and let me tell you, it’s not a pleasant feeling. You wonder what the purpose is of snapping photos; you’re not completely satisfied with your interactions with your clients ; you sense a lack […]

Like It Or Not, All Drones Must Be Registered

Today, the FAA formally announced plans for the registration of small unmanned aircraft (UAS), better known as “drones”. The new laws apply to any UAS weighing more than 0.55 pounds (250 grams) and less than 55 pounds (approx. 25 kilograms) including payloads such as on-board cameras. Effective December 21st, all owners of qualifying drones are […]

Your Camera Is Just A Tool: YOU Are The Secret Sauce

In a recent Skype chat with photographer Joey Jones, we were casually discussing how he runs his successful portrait photography business. At one point, he casually stated, “The camera is just a tool. It’s what you do with it that counts.” Needless to say, Joey was spot on. It was something I myself had only […]

Preparing for a Long Production Day

Media professionals can all relate to the long production day. Whether you’re a landscape photographer waking up at zero dark thirty to capture the first light or a wedding photographer shooting from bridal prep straight through to the reception, we’ve all had those days. In the video world, I’ve had my share of long production days, especially when they’re back to back.

Preparing for a Long Production Day

Media professionals can all relate to the long production day. Whether you’re a landscape photographer waking up at zero dark thirty to capture the first light or a wedding photographer shooting from bridal prep straight through to the reception, we’ve all had those days. In the video world, I’ve had my share of long production days, especially when they’re back to back.

Question of the Week: Your Next Camera

Your vote matters! At Photofocus we like to know more about our audience so we can create content that helps you.  This week we want to know what type of camera will be your next purchase (or at least which one you think or want to buy). This Post Sponsored by: Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or […]