Photographing fast action sports as a quadriplegic photographer

Photographing fast paced action packed sports can be tricky enough as it is. For some, it presents even more challenges. Such is the case with Loren Worthington. After a spinal cord injury, Worthington lost the use of three of his limbs. Along with it, his ability to play sports. Nearly twenty years later, the camera […]

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The Olympic tennis court is a giant green screen and the Internet has noticed

It’s always amusing when something shown on TV includes something ripe for chroma keying. This time around, it’s the Rio 2016 men’s singles tennis final between Andy Murray and Juan Martin Del Potro. That they were playing on a giant green screen was noticed by imgur user factionman. After this, the obvious became inevitable. I would imagine these scenarios […]

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Getty use underwater robots to photograph Olympic swimming events

The technological advancements that can be made in just four short years are amazing. 11 time Olympic photographer Al Bello is taking advantage of that fact this year. He’s covering the swimming events using underwater robot cameras. Robotic underwater cameras at the Olympics aren’t a new idea. Reuters used similar robots during London 2012. But this is […]

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Here’s Nikon’s NPS cache at the Rio2016 games

After Getty and Canon, it was only a matter of time before we’d see the inside of Nikon’s NPS facilities at the Rio2016 Olympic Games. As with the others, it’s a pretty immense stockpile of gear. Of course, with the number of competitors, events and photographers there, it’s not really a surprise. Also, with the amount […]

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The Rio camera thief got caught by the same photographer he stole from

Ok, I can only describe this as sweet irony. The thief who stole $40,000 worth of photography gear from News Corp photographer at Rio olympics was caught by the same photographer he stole from – Brett Costello. It was not enough for the thief to steal Costello’s $40,000 gear set, and he wanted more. I am not sure […]

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The Rio camera thief got caught by the same photographer he stole from

Ok, I can only describe this as sweet irony. The thief who stole $40,000 worth of photography gear from News Corp photographer at Rio olympics was caught by the same photographer he stole from – Brett Costello. It was not enough for the thief to steal Costello’s $40,000 gear set, and he wanted more. I am not sure […]

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Olympics photographer has $40,000 worth of gear stolen in 10 seconds from a cafe in Rio

As this year’s host of the Olympic Games, it’s not a surprise that Rio currently contains so many photographers. With a lot of photographers come a lot of expensive kit. This has not escaped the notice of local criminals. News Corp photographer Brett Costello just discovered this, when $40,000 worth of equipment went missing from right beside him. […]

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Canon’s CPS Depot Room is Ready for the Olympics

Check out the crazy CPS Depot Room that Canon has set up in Brazil for the 2016 Olympics! Along with a team of more than 70 CPS technicians, Canon has over 1,500 lenses available for loans to Canon photographers shooting in Rio.  Additionally, the 1D X Mark II is in stock for CPS shooters to […]

A very rare look inside Canon’s operations at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

This is my fifth Olympic Games and I am always visiting the Canon Professional Services area to borrow equipment from them. And for all of those previous Olympics, they have always been very guarded about letting anyone, outside of Canon employees, go behind the scenes to see what they have in their inventory. And trust […]

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