
This incredible YouTube channel tells the history of and reviews old film cameras

Like many photographers, I’m a connoisseur of old, analogue cameras. Sure, many of them don’t work and others can’t be shot due to the film stock no longer being produced, but there are a dozen or so that I continually cycle through when I go on a random film spree. Something I haven’t yet done […]

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Why does everyone look so stoic in old photographs?

When looking back through old photos, have you ever wondered why subjects rarely smiled, even if the portrait was of an exciting event like a wedding? If so, a new video from Vox will help address your questions. In the three and a half minute, Vox explains four reasons subjects decided to forgo the ‘cheese’ and […]

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This 136-year-old large format lens keeps up with modern day DSLR glass

Photographer Stern Mathieu has an ongoing series titled ‘Weird Lens Challenge,’ wherein he takes old, strange and unusual lenses for a test drive to see how they perform. In his latest episode, he reviews a 136 year old large format camera lens—one of the first to ever have an internal aperture mechanism. According to Stern, […]

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