If you can only have one light, strongly consider a big octabox

Well, of course, it won’t be just one type of light, you will also have a bare flash to play with. But if you can only have one modifier, I would say get a big octabox. But first, let’s define the octabox or as photographers fondly call her, the Octa. The Octa is (usually) a fairly […]

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Watch: a small octa acts as a sail in extremely harsh wind

By now, you probably know that you should sand bag your gear. I mean, who would want their gear flying on their face when they talk about sand bags? But sometimes the wind is just to fierce. Not only for a light stand, but for any sort of modifier. In the movie below, German photographers Flash […]

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Watch: a small octa acts as a sail in extremely harsh wind

By now, you probably know that you should sand bag your gear. I mean, who would want their gear flying on their face when they talk about sand bags? But sometimes the wind is just to fierce. Not only for a light stand, but for any sort of modifier. In the movie below, German photographers Flash […]

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This modifier comparison shows off over 100 different lighting setups

Flash modifier comparisons can be extremely useful things. Without having to get up out of the comfort of our chair, we can very quickly and easily see how different shapes and sizes of modifier affect how light falls on our subject. Here’s one we discovered by photographer Michael Quack and the team at Visual Pursuit […]

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Size matters; Comparing Octabox sizes with high speed sync

One of the questions I see pop up often through various portrait groups on Facebook is “what softbox do I buy?”. After they settle on an octabox, it’s invariably followed up with “How big should I go?”. Personally, when it comes to Octaboxes, I’ve always been of the belief that the bigger the better. But, that’s […]

The post Size matters; Comparing Octabox sizes with high speed sync appeared first on DIY Photography.