Adorama, Best Buy list Samsung NX lenses at ‘closeout’ prices, further lending credit to its death

Further confirming the slow, painful demise of Samsung cameras, both Adorama and Best Buy have almost every Samsung NX lens listed at ‘closeout’ prices, including some third party glass. It all began as a rumor, tossed around in the latter parts of Summer 2015. Since then, the rumors became reality when Samsung announced it was killing […]

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Samsung’s Only Cameras at CES 2016 were in Appliances

I don’t know how that Samsung can look at us with a straight face and say everything is just fine with its camera division when it doesn’t bring a single camera to CES 2016. After the lack of cameras shown (or even discussed) at its press conference, I went to the Samsung booth in hopes […]

Samsung’s Long, Hard Road to a Serious & Successful Camera

The enthusiast digital camera market is a tough one. The consumers can often know more about the cameras being sold than the sales people trying to sell them. Don’t believe me? Go to Best Buy and start asking about the differences between any two cameras. Or, just eavesdrop on a conversation between a salesman and […]

Samsung Denies Nikon Buyout; Will The Companies Work Together?

Rumors were spreading fast yesterday that Nikon acquired Samsung’s mirrorless technology, but an official statement from the Korean giant denies the NX tech will be changing hands. Skeptics will say it’s a standard denial that isn’t necessary true, but a close look at the exact wording of the statements so far indicates Nikon and Samsung […]

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Samsung rumored to be dropping out of the camera business

This next rumor is to be taken with a chunk of salt, but it’s a huge one if true. Samsung’s cameras haven’t exactly taken over the camera market, and it’s said that management has decided to pull the plug on its digital camera business. The South Korean company has not issued a statement regarding the […]

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