
Watch as this photographer shoots female bodybuilders in the middle of the street

I’ve been following the work of Texas based portrait photographer Keydrin Franklin for a while now, but a recent Facebook Live stream of this particular shoot got me very interested.  It’s certainly not every day you see a group of people walking out into the middle of the road to have photos made. As well as resulting […]

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This 20 year old Nikon 35mm SLR is faster than their new D5 DSLR

Twenty years ago, Nikon released a very special camera; The Nikon F3H (“H” for “High Speed”).  Designed specifically for super fast burst shooting, it keeps up well with many of today’s modern DSLRs. Capable of shooting at 13fps, this rare modification based off the Nikon F3 and MD-4 motordrive manages to stand up against any […]

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Is this the end of backfocus problems? Nikon’s new Auto AF Fine Tune calibration explained

With reports coming through that the D500 has now started shipping in the USA, those who have received them have been keen to start showing them off. Amongst the fanfare of abilities like 10fps shooting, and ISO performance never before seen in a crop body, one little mentioned feature of both the Nikon D500 and D5 is […]

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Video: Nikon F3H at 14fps vs. Nikon D3 at 12fps

Check out this video that shows off the old-school Nikon F3H cranking out 14fps of film frames compared to the more modern Nikon D3 at 12fps. Note that the new Nikon D5 also shoots at up to 12fps and the Canon 1D X Mark II will shoot up to 14fps (or as high as 16fps in […]

Nikon’s new SnapBridge Bluetooth remote control app finally does Bluetooth triggering and image transfer

SnapBridge is Nikon’s new Bluetooth remote control protocol & mobile “tethering” system featured in their newest DSLR the Nikon D500, as well as several of their upcoming compact cameras. In anticipation of their impending release, Nikon have now released the other half of this equation in the form of an Android app, with an iOS version […]

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This is how you light up a climbers on a cliff with speedlights attached to drones

So what do you do when you need to position lights off to the side of a cliff and you left your 300ft tall light stands at home?  You mount them to a drone, of course, which is exactly what National Geographic photographer Keith Ladzinski did recently while taking the new Nikon D500 and SB-5000 flash […]

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This is the camera gear that NASA use on the International Space Station

From the moon landings to present day, one constant question that much of the world’s population has when it comes to space missions is their choice of camera equipment. During the space race with the then U.S.S.R. of the 1960s, and using primarily Hasselblad cameras with 70mm film, NASA found that they needed more portable cameras for active situations. […]

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