
Nikon D3300 discontinued by Nikon Japan could signal D3500 announcement soon

According to Nikon Japan, the Nikon D3300 entry level DSLR has been discontinued (what Google translates as “old products”).  That it’s listed as discontinued before an announcement for its replacement has been made could potentially mean an end to the D3x00 line. It could, however, also mean that a D3500 announcement is imminent (assuming they’ll skip the […]

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Nikon Full Frame Mirrorless Rumors

A proper Nikon mirrorless camera has been in the rumor mill and wish lists since the Nikon 1 series was first announced. While no hard specs are being tossed around, the chatter about a large sensor Nikon mirrorless camera has increased in recent weeks. Recent rumors have pointed to a possibility of a release at […]

DSLR owners have an easy life today compared to this 35mm digital hybrid from 1994

The Nikon N90s was not only my first DSLR but the first camera I owned that wasn’t just a disposable.  I loved this camera, and still use it today, but I still lusted after the convenience of digital on an SLR.  At the time, the 1.3MP Kodak NC2000 was one of those cameras I dreamed of, knowing I’d […]

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Nikon call an early end to the current rebate programme due to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes

Earlier this month Nikon announced a free battery grip offer for the Nikon D610, D750 and D810 cameras initially set to last until the end of the month.  As a result of the earthquakes in Kumamoto, this has been cut short, with the offer now expiring on May 14th. A couple of days ago, all […]

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Nikon P900 Successor with a 100x Zoom Lens?

The Nikon Coolpix P900 has an incredible zoom range of 24-2000mm (equivalent) and has been a pretty hot camera as far as point and shoot cameras go. Its successor might just up the ante if a new Nikon patent application comes to fruition. A recently-filed patent from Nikon Japan discloses a 4.4-440mm zoom lens, which […]

Cheap Speedlight comparisons, which should you buy and why?

Venturing into the world of flash, and radio triggers can be a confusing, sometimes frightening and potentially expensive prospect for those who are very new to it.  So, where do you start? Photographer and YouTuber Tim Oxton aims to help you figure this out in this video comparing some low budget flashes and triggers to see how they […]

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This is how one photographer uses gelled flashes and modest equipment to produce awesome portraits

Originally from Ghana, photographer DextDee Livingstone had to travel all the way to China to discover his passion for shooting portraits, but we’re sure glad that he did. Now back in Ghana, DIYP got in touch with DextDee to find out more about him, and to get some insight into how one particularly striking portrait […]

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Nikon kills the SB-910 speedlight and releases a new D7200 Firmware, but is there another new Nikon DSLR announcement on the way?

Things seem to be happening all at once for Nikon at the moment, with several announcements, and one rumour. First up, for those that have been lucky enough to receive their Nikon D500 body already, the Nikon MB-D17 grip is now available to order from Amazon, offering a very welcome weight balance for those shooting longer lenses, as […]

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