
Photo of the Day: Risenstock Starshow

Category: Architecture/Landscape Photography by Richard Prinz Originally shared on the Photofocus Facebook page. Richard braved freezing cold temperatures to capture the magnificent night-time sky above Uri Switzerland. This shot masterfully combines crystal-clear stars and the shadowy mountains of Switzerland. All too often start photographs are lacking in interesting terrestrial elements, but in the this shot Richard has given […]

Shooting Landscapes? Go the Extra Mile

Landscape photography brings its own rewards. Being in a beautiful place at a tranquil time of day is therapeutic. Add good company, and it doesn’t really matter if you make any good pictures because the experience alone was worthwhile. For instance, I visited my parents, recently, and my dad and I awoke early to photograph […]

How to Use HDR for Nighttime Photography

Making pictures at nighttime can be challenging. Parts of a picture that are lit with street lamps or other lights are very bright compared to the darkness of the sky or the shadows under trees and porches. This scene is described as having a high dynamic range—the difference between light and shadow is very great. […]