Hack your own DIY night vision action camera for under $100

Being able to see with a camera in complete darkness is a challenge. For stills we often have to resort to long exposures. For video it can be virtually impossible. Thankfully, the megapixel race is all but over, and camera manufacturers are focusing on high ISO capability. There’s a couple out there now that can […]

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Putting a night vision lens on your camera won’t help it see in the dark but it does look pretty cool

I’m a huge fan of old and weird lenses. They have unique qualities to them that can be difficult or impossible to achieve in post. So, when I see new a new video from Mathieu Stern, it always piques my interest. His latest video shows off a very strange lens. Designed for military and police […]

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GoPro timelapse and night vision nestcam capture nature’s nest thieves taking four bird eggs and a baby buzzard

Documenting nature isn’t always as cute and fluffy as we’d like it to be, and when it comes to the law of the jungle, the judge occasionally dons his black cap. I would imagine that this video isn’t quite what Tan Nguyen expected to capture when he setup his GoPro pointed at this American Robin nest […]

The post GoPro timelapse and night vision nestcam capture nature’s nest thieves taking four bird eggs and a baby buzzard appeared first on DIY Photography.

GoPro timelapse and night vision nestcam capture nature’s nest thieves taking four bird eggs and a baby buzzard

Documenting nature isn’t always as cute and fluffy as we’d like it to be, and when it comes to the law of the jungle, the judge occasionally dons his black cap. I would imagine that this video isn’t quite what Tan Nguyen expected to capture when he setup his GoPro pointed at this American Robin nest […]

The post GoPro timelapse and night vision nestcam capture nature’s nest thieves taking four bird eggs and a baby buzzard appeared first on DIY Photography.