How (and why) I’ve been photographing Disneyland in black and white

I’ve always had a lot of fun challenging myself with creative and/or technical limitations. Like giving myself a photo assignment to spend the day or even an entire vacation with a certain camera/lens combination and a limited shooting style, like to shoot only macro or only black and white, etc. It usually makes me work […]

The post How (and why) I’ve been photographing Disneyland in black and white appeared first on DIY Photography.

Shooting Landscapes? Go the Extra Mile

Landscape photography brings its own rewards. Being in a beautiful place at a tranquil time of day is therapeutic. Add good company, and it doesn’t really matter if you make any good pictures because the experience alone was worthwhile. For instance, I visited my parents, recently, and my dad and I awoke early to photograph […]

Night Photography Tips: 9 essential steps for beginners

Has Seasonal Affective Disorder got you particularly down about your night photography and low light pictures in general? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s one of the more challenging subjects in photography. Learn how to take better photos at night with these 9 carefully selected night photography tips for beginners. Whether you want to learn… Continue reading

The post Night Photography Tips: 9 essential steps for beginners appeared first on Digital Camera World.