Janet Jackson’s concert photography contract is worse than Taylor Swift’s

Remember the massive outcry when Taylor Swift’s terrible concert photography contracts were published? Apparently Janet Jackson doesn’t, or she just really doesn’t care. Earlier today PetaPixel were sent a copy of the contract photographer’s have to sign if they wish to take photos at Jackson’s 2015 world tour, and it ain’t pretty. “I have seen […]

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“Entering the national air space is a very serious matter” – All Drone Owners Will Need To Register

Here it comes… US just created a task force to create a Drone Registry by November 20. Frankly, we are not surprised. The Obama administration would want all US drones to be registered. They said that this is a part of a bigger effort to “to curtail rogue drone flights that pose a danger to […]

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The Next Version Of Photoshop Will Let You Customize The Toolbars

One of Photoshop’s strengths is that amount of tools it packs. This is also one of its weaknesses in terms of work area clutter. Right now Photoshop lets you show or hide entire toolbars, but there is zero control over what each of the toolbars displays. If you are also a word or Excel geek […]

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500Px Pulls The Switch On Chinease Sister Site

Photo sharing site 500px started a Chinese sister site and the service users were not happy. What started as a small snowball has evolved into a full avalanche, with many users taking their profiles off (or at least threatening to do so if action is no…

An Open Letter from A ‘Creepy Guy’ With a Camera To The Woman Who Reported Him To The Cops

David Updike from Cambridge, Massachusetts was ‘detained’ by six policeman after a woman reported him to the cops for taking photos of children in a local park in His open letter just goes to show that not everyone who is sitting on a bench in a park with a camera is a ‘creep’ Dear Neighbor, Yesterday […]

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500Px In Hot Water For Creating A Chinese Sister Site

Users of the (recently rebranded) photo sharing site 500px, are gathering to protest that Chinese now have access to all of their photos on 500px in seems to be a 500px sister site. 500px user Anne Sorbes came out with an angry post titled “Publication without authorisation” to the community forums stating that she is extremely unhappy […]

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