Husband’s ‘Photography Obsession’ Leads to Divorce

If your spouse has ever told you to put your camera down or that you’re spending too much time taking photos, you might want to start taking the warning a bit more seriously. Apparently, as ‘Mr Cai’ of Taipei recently found out, an obsession for photography can be grounds for a divorce. According to Apple […]

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Judge Rules it Legal to Shoot Down Privacy-Invading Drones

Several months ago we reported that William Merideth of Kentucky was arrested and charged with first degree wanton endangerment and criminal mischief after firing his neighbor’s drone out of the sky with a shotgun. Based on the fact that the drone was shot over Merideth’s property and that eyewitnesses said the drone was flying low, […]

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A 46 Gigapixel Milkey Way ‘panorama’ you can interact with

How often do you get to interact with the universe? This 46 Gigapixel ‘panorama’ of the milky way, was made at the German university Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, and took half a decade to complete. . Actually, this image of the Milky Way is so big that it had to be broken down into 268 sections, each photographed over a […]

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Are Your Photoshop Skills Enough To Save The Lives Of The IXS Farstar Crew

What a fun way to learn Photoshop test your Photoshop skills. Adobe has created an Escape Room style mystery, where you need to need to assist a crew of a spaceship to return to earth. Here is the adobe connection though. Instead of solving math or click to find puzzles, you will need to work through […]

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Just NO! Photographers Stuff Styrofoam into Fish to Bait Eagle For Better Photos

You know that old saying, “Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints, Kill nothing but time”, it is the motto of Baltimore Grotto (caving society) and something most nature photographers live by. It shows both respect for nature and respect for fellow photographer. What is the opposite of this motto? Singaporean magazine Mothership reports that […]

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Sony Shares Previews of Global Shutter on CMOS Sensors and Super Low Light Technology

Sony, is not waiting to see who will win the sensor wars, it is defining the battlefield. With rumors of new technologies being around for a while now, Sony recently released two videos showing what’s in store for their future line of sensor technology. Specifically, Sony demoed Starvis – an ultra low light technology designed for […]

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Sony Shares Previews of Global Shutter on CMOS Sensors and Super Low Light Technology

Sony, is not waiting to see who will win the sensor wars, it is defining the battlefield. With rumors of new technologies being around for a while now, Sony recently released two videos showing what’s in store for their future line of sensor technology. Specifically, Sony demoed Starvis – an ultra low light technology designed for […]

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