Now you can get TTL & HSS with Godox flashes on your Fuji X cameras – But it’s not cheap

Godox flashes have become wildly popular over the last couple of years amongst Nikon and Canon shooters. They’re relatively inexpensive, very well built, and offer a full range of lights from speedlights to 1200Ws of strobe power. What makes Godox’s products really stand out, though, is that they can all be controlled from the same […]

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Is “baiting” animals worth the shot for wildlife photography?

The practise of using bait to attract owls and other wildlife is a controversial topic. On the one hand, it can remove the fear of humans from rare and protected species, putting them at risk. On the other, how is it any different to putting out a feeder for wild birds in your garden? Then […]

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New York Times more than doubles day rates for photographers

If you work as a photojournalist, this may come as encouraging news. According to a source close to the New York Times, the paper will be paying their photographers a day rate that’s more than double from the one they’re currently paying. We’ve seen the increasing importance of images in the New York Times over […]

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The death of digital photography

As camera makers struggle to innovate, consumers are finding little need to upgrade. The market is slowing to the point of inertia – manufacturers need to take a leftfield approach to stay competitive In February, Nikon – the world’s second-biggest camera manufacturer by market share – published a notice of ‘recognition of extraordinary loss’. The […]

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“Reverse Prisma” AI turns paintings into photos and turns winter to summer

Ok, imaging AI is just getting ridiculous now. By now we all know of the Prisma app. It lets you take photos and turn them into images that resemble paintings by artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, etc. A team of reseachers at UC Berkley have come up with a system that does the exact opposite of that. […]

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The amusing story of how an off-the-cuff compromise made 24fps the standard “film rate”

We’ve all heard why 29.97fps and 25fps became the standards for TV & video broadcast. It basically boiled down to technical issues based around the electrical supply and the limitations of available airwaves. But those reasons don’t explain one thing. How did 24fps become the standard for film? In this Home Theater Geeks podcast, host Scott […]

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You really can’t hear trains until they’re almost right on top of you

It’s that time of year again. It’s warming up, the sun’s coming back, and people are going outside to shoot more portraits. And as often happens when we reach this time of year, some of those portrait sessions happen on train tracks. And occasionally, people get killed by trains while shooting on those tracks. TODAY investigative […]

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How effective would a Photoshop traffic light system be on advertising images?

Last week Target announced that its forthcoming swimwear advertising campaign will be Photoshop-free. It’s an approach that I endorse, and I was intrigued to see some of the comments on the article here on DIYPhotography. Don Barnard suggested that having a traffic light system, a little like the nutritional content warnings on food packaging, showing […]

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This year’s April fools’ jokes from around the world photography world

Although we have ran the occasional pranks in the past for April Fools’ Day, we decided not to do one this year. We wanted to just sit back and enjoy everybody else’s jokes this year. As it’s already April 1st in Australia, a few have started coming through already. We’ll be updating this post as […]

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