Japan researchers warn: Flashing “Peace” Sign in Photos May Lead to Identity Theft

Japan’s National Institute of Informatics (NII) recently warned the public about taking and publishing photos with popular two-fingered pose. They claim that flashing “V” sign in photos may lead to your identity being stolen. The reason is that fingerprint recognition technology became so advanced and widely available, that a simple snapshot of a person holding […]

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Antony Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon and Photographer, Dies at 86

Antony Armstrong-Jones, the Earl of Snowdon and Princess Margaret’s former husband, passed away today at his home in London at the age of 86. Apart from being the Queen’s (former) brother-in-law, he was also an inventor, photographer and Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker. Despite his divorce from Princess Margaret, he continued to take photos of the […]

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Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert blocks journalist from taking photos of protesters

Earlier this week, confirmation hearings of Jeff Sessions as US Attorney General were followed by protests. Of course, many photographers and reporters covered this even. And one of them had an unpleasant experience which looks a bit like censorship. While Jim Lo Scalzo was taking photos of protesters being escorted out of the hearing room, he […]

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Fox Sports show off new tech for “Player’s Eye View” camera destined for this year’s Super Bowl

The show stealers at the Super Bowl are often the commercials or “wardrobe malfunctions“. This year, though, there’s a new camera tech that might just edge it for some viewers. Whether you’re interested in photography or video, or simply a fan of watching the games, it’s certainly going to give a new perspective on things. […]

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NASA simulates DJI Phantom airflow to improve quadcopter design

NASA has used computer models to simulate airflow for decades. It lets them test to see how aircraft will react to drag, friction and countless other forces. All important factors when it comes to designing the next generation of vehicles. At NASA’S Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, the technique was recently used to check […]

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VSCO shuts down their New York office and lays off complete staff

VSCO (Visual Supply Co) opened an office in New York in December 2015, along with the free studio. Only one year after opening, they decided to shut it down. They say the reason is an attempt to centralize the staff at the company’s office in Oakland, where they have the main headquarters. This decision didn’t […]

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Lily Robotics sued by San Francisco district attorney’s office

We’re still in shock after hearing that Lily Robotics is shutting down, but apparently this isn’t all. The crash of the Lily Drone is even worse than we imagined. They are also facing a lawsuit by San Francisco district attorney’s office for false advertising and unfair business practices. And apparently, their promotional video was not […]

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Meet the Minolta AF-Sv “Talker”, a talking camera from the 1980s

Being able to talk to cameras and other devices to give voice commands is a relatively recent development. What’s not so new is having our devices talk back to us. Check out this recent video of a Minolta AF-Sv “Talker”, posted to Reddit by user 240DL. Released in 1984, It features all of the minimalist features of […]

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This guy shot a lens and UV filter with an airsoft rifle to see just how much “protection” they offer

It’s one of those debates that’s been going on since the dawn of digital photography. To use UV filters or not? In the film days, a UV filter was often a wise choice, depending on what film stock you were using. In the days of digital, it didn’t really offer the advantage it once did. […]

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The flight has ended for Lily Drone: they are shutting down and issuing refunds

Lily Drone seemed like a promising project when they started, but it didn’t go without its fair share of problems. After the production issues and delay in delivery, it seems that Lily’s developers have finally decided to give up. They sent an email to their suppporters and customers who pre-ordered the Lily Drone, where they […]

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