Tyra Banks uses photographer’s work on her Instagram without credit or permission

Has anyone used your photo without permission or credit? What would you do if it was a worldwide famous supermodel, posting your photo to millions of her followers without crediting you? This is exactly what happened to photographer Don Mupasi. Tyra Banks posted one of his photos to almost 5 million of her followers without […]

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Film Ferrania is back with P30 Alpha black & white film shipping this month

A couple of months ago, we showed you some of Film Ferrania’s hardware. The equipment they’re using to bring back the company, as well as some much loved films. The plan then seemed to be starting fresh with E6 slide film. As it turns out, though, black & white has become the priority. The company has now […]

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Adobe Creative Cloud increases prices in the UK and Sweden

Because of the “fluctuations in foreign exchange rates”, Adobe has announced the increase in fees for Creative Cloud subscribers. For those subscribing monthly, the price increase will take effect from March 6, 2017. Those who pay the yearly subscription will pay the new price when they renew the plan. This is a part of the email […]

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The emotional moment a photographer gets her stolen camera equipment back

The worst fear of most photographers is having their equipment stolen. Yes, it’s “only gear”, and yes you should insure it, but you grow attached to it. You get used to its little quirks that let you bring out the best in it. Even if it is insured, you have to wait, sometimes for weeks, […]

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Instagram is testing a new “Albums” feature in Android Beta

Instagram seems to have been evolving and assimilating at a rather rapid pace recently. Since the redesign of its user interface, it’s implemented Stories, live streaming, comment love, and a host of other features. It looks like the ability to upload “albums” is next on the list. According to Droid Life and Twitter user Philip Chang, […]

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6 Tips to get cleaner smoother footage out of your Mavic Pro

DJI have had a hard time filling orders for the wildly popular Mavic Pro. Since its announcement shortly after Photokina, they’ve just not been able to keep up. Now, though, they finally seem to be getting there, and the Mavic Pro is in a lot of hands. Every day I’m seeing a ton of new […]

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3 beginner mistakes new film photographers make and how to avoid them

Patience is not one of my many virtues and practice as always been my favorite over theory. Instead of taking the time to learn the essentials before starting, I usually go head down into it and comes what may! This behaviour has caused me disappointment, loss of time and money. That’s why I have decided […]

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Failed kickstarter campaign eventually kills Triggertrap

The journey of Triggertrap has been eventful one. A small startup with a promising future, releasing some great products. It made them an instant hit. Their success and popularity was growing rapidly. Then, they launched a Kickstarter for a new product. Ada; An expandable modular system that offered all sorts of triggering possibilities. It raised around half […]

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