Neural network turns your Pixelated, black and white gameboy photos into realistic portraits

Neural networks, deep learning, artificial intelligence, whatever term you prefer seems to be a very hot topic lately. Every couple of weeks there seem to be new developments to show off what it can do. We’ve seen CSI-like enhancements, facial recognition that can see through obscuration, converting 2D to 3D and plenty more. This one, […]

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Prices and specs announced for the new Irix 11mm f/4 lenses with glow in the dark markings

Last March, Irixi told us that they were working on an 11mm f/4 rectilinear lens. In September, DIYP even had the opportunity to play with one at Photokina. But now it’s official, the Irix 11mm f/4 is ready. An ultrawide rectilinear lens with very little distortion indeed, it’s a very impressive lens. As with the […]

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Snapchat Spectacles are finally available for online purchase

Snapchat Spectacles have finally stopped being a rare treasure. If you’ve wanted to try them out, you can now get them on the online store of Snap Inc. These sunglasses with a built-in camera allow you to shoot videos and record what you see from your point of view. These sunglasses were first announced in […]

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2017 will be the year that film makes its big return

I just came across a very interesting set of interviews posted on Zorki Photo. In the post, photographer Stephen Dowling talks with the bigwigs at Ilford, Kodak, Film Ferrania and others. He wanted their thoughts on the current world of film potography. They all agree, the market is definitely growing. Of course, they sell film, so they’re […]

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Your next Android tablet might just be a Kodak – at least in name

Kodak seem to be making great efforts with regard to film lately. They still seem to struggle with the digital world, though. Ok, so Kodak is a shadow of its former self, comomnly just licensing its name to the highest bidder. But, you sometimes have to ask, what’s the point? For those who’ve never heard […]

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Crash drones as much as you like with Microsoft’s new real world simulator

There’s been quite a lot of drone fails recently. And no, I’m not talking about GoPro Karmas falling out of the sky. I’m referring to operator error. Idiots who don’t know what they’re doing, that can’t control their drones putting other people at risk. But, Microsoft think they have a solution with a new drone simulator called […]

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These cuboids are made from 50,000 35mm film canisters

Those of us who develop ourselves typically throw the empty film canister away when we’re done. Perhaps we’ll keep one from a roll of something a little rare now and again. Hillvale, an independent film lab in Melbourne, Australia, however kept everything. Since opening shop in 2013, Hillvale have been saving the 35mm film canister […]

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This model dangled over a 1000 ft skyscraper for a photo without safety equipment

I know that people these days really try hard to get likes on social networks. But I still get surprised how far some of them would go. After the guy who climbs the skyscrapers to take shots, one model went a step further (quite literally). Viktoria Odintsova had a photo shoot on top of Cayan […]

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Photographer shares the truth behind viral photo of cheetahs killing impala

Has your Facebook feed been flooded with the photo of impala a few seconds from death by hungry cheetahs? Allegedly, she sacrificed herself to save her younglings from the hungry beasts, and the photo shows his final glare as her young ones escape. Well, this touching story of “motherly sacrifice” turns out to be totally […]

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This is your last chance to shoot the Eiffel tower without a hideous wall

It seems another controversial wall may be getting ready to be built. In France, this time. In a $20 million project, the French government plans to construct an 8.2ft high bulletproof glass wall around the base of the Eiffel Tower. The primary goal is to increase protection against potential terrorism, but it’s been harshly criticised […]

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