Watch a helicopter magically levitates with frozen rotors, and understand why it happens

Have you ever seen a helicopter magically rise in the air without its motor spinning? If not, you are in for a treat. OK, how can that be? Here is a little well-known secret, the main rotor of the helicopter is actually spinning pretty fast? Fast enough that it perfectly aligns with the frame rate […]

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How would you feel about appearing in a selfie with a deceased loved-one?

How do you feel about the prospect of appearing in a selfie with an avatar of someone who’s not there? Maybe just someone who couldn’t make it to the party. Or perhaps a deceased loved-one? The ability to do this is something that Elrois, a South Korea-based company unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. […]

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How would you feel about appearing in a selfie with a deceased loved-one?

How do you feel about the prospect of appearing in a selfie with an avatar of someone who’s not there? Maybe just someone who couldn’t make it to the party. Or perhaps a deceased loved-one? The ability to do this is something that Elrois, a South Korea-based company unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. […]

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It’s time to bust out those Instamatics. Now you can load them with 35mm film using this adapter kit.

When I was a kid, the Kodak Instamatic 25 was our go to camera for family stuff. Sure, my dad had a fancy Olympus OM-1, but the Instamatic went with us everywhere. My mother recently found that camera and gave it to me. Ever since then it’s sat on a shelf, in the hopes that […]

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You can win over $500,000 in gear if you make a really good short

RØDE Microphones film competition, My RØDE Reel, is now in its fourth year. Established in 2014, it’s rapidly grown to become the world’s largest short film competition. With close to 8,000 entries from 89 countries, it’s become a staple amongst the global filmmaking community. This year, the competition is back with a massively increased prize […]

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Camera sales report for 2016: lowest sales ever on DSLRs and mirrorless

2016 wasn’t exactly the best year ever, and it appears it was also pretty bad for photography. LensVid has issued a report on the camera industry facts from 2009 to 2016. When you compare camera manufacturing, sales, and shipment, you will get pretty unexpected and drastic differences. 2016 seems to be the worst year for […]

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The Oscar Announcement blunder was probably caused by a photo of Emma Stone

The Internet is flooded with reactions about the Oscar Best Picture gaffe, and the explanation is finally here. People have been speculating what went wrong that evening, and I’ve heard a bunch of theories since this historic mistake happened. But it turns out the whole mess was because of one tweeted photo of Best Actress […]

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Sony might be getting ready to announce a new A7 camera next month

Normally, I don’t pay that much attention to rumours. But this is a rumour-not-rumour-sort-of-a-maybe-leak kinda thing. It may simply just be a typo. But, the good folks at The Photography Show have released their official preview mini-guide to this year’s show. Browsing through the guide, you might notice something a little interesting under Sony’s listing on […]

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Crashing a drone in Seattle could land you with jail time and a fine

While some of the rules regarding drone flight around the world might seem a little extreme, some make absolute sense. One such law in many countries is that of flying over groups of people. Especially groups of people who aren’t directly involved with the flight. You might remember one drone pilot who disobeyed this rule […]

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