Google Wants To Begin Integrating Your Food Photography Into Google Maps

Last week we reported on new laws in Germany which could make photographing your meal from certain dining establishments a breech of the chef’s copyright. It was a story that led to an interesting conversation about just what should and shouldn’t be copyrighted. Most of you agreed that food should be eaten, not protected by copyright law–and, […]

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An ‘Open Letter’ to Landscape Photographers: It’s Time for an Etiquette Check

YOUR SHOTS ARE NOT THAT UNIQUE, SO THERE’S NO REASON TO RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE ELSE. Have you ever noticed that when you go to a Costco gas station, the rows of vehicles can be so orderly with everyone nicely lined up with a general polite and cordial demeanor. But once those friendly drivers park […]

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Elinchrom, Photix & Seckonic Band Together

Swiss pro electronic flash manufacturer Elinchrom, Phottix whose control systems currently work with Canon, Nikon & Sony DSLR cameras TTL for flash and Sekonic, world class creators of hand held light meters have teamed toghether to focus these areas of expertise on light measurement and control. What does this mean for photographers? A big change […]

The Cold Hard Truth When It Comes To Dealing With Problem Clients

A major part of being a working photographer is spent managing your business and tending to your client’s questions, concerns, feedback, etc…For the most part, this aspect of professional photography isn’t the worst thing in the world, but there always seems to come a point when you find yourself working with a problem client that […]

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Tips To Make Your Next On Location Shoot Go Smoother And Yield You Better Photos

I know, I know, the title of the video says it’s about industrial portraits. It is about that, indeed; however, a lot of the tips and advice J. P. Morgan shares in the seven minute long clip can be applied to a lot of different kinds of photoshoots–especially those where you’re shooting on location. Outside […]

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Photographer Loses Copyright Suit Against Mapmaker Because of Licensing Technicality

Creative commons licensing is great, especially for online content creators.   It can also be a tremendous tool for gaining recognition through use of your work as you are just starting out in the creative world.  However, it can be a double-edged sword for the unsuspecting. A few days ago, a court in Washington, DC found in […]

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Photographing Tribesman On The Crater Rim Of An Active Volcano

Jimmy Nelson is no stranger to photographing vanishing tribes from around the globe. In fact, he recently delivered a great TED talk about his numerous adventures as a photographer. But, before he visited the TED studios, Nelson spent some time on the Oceanic islands of Vanuatu. During his time on the island chain, the photographer visited […]

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Today is World Photo Day

Today, August 19 is World Photo Day. The date behind World Photo Day originates from the invention of the Daguerreotype, a photographic processes developed by Joseph Nicèphore Nièpce and Louis Daguerre in 1837. On January 9, 1839, The French Academy of Sciences announced the daguerreotype process. A few months later, on August 19, 1839, the […]

Shotgun Shells Now Being Marketed Specifically For Shooting Down Drones

A company by the name of Snake River Shooting, based in Idaho, is now proudly offering ‘”Drone Munition,” a shotgun shell that’s being marketed as an effective solution to being spied on by drones–load the shell, shoot down the drone. Doesn’t get any more simple than that, right? (You know, except for the felony charges […]

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Shotgun Shells Now Being Marketed Specifically For Shooting Down Drones

A company by the name of Snake River Shooting, based in Idaho, is now proudly offering ‘”Drone Munition,” a shotgun shell that’s being marketed as an effective solution to being spied on by drones–load the shell, shoot down the drone. Doesn’t get any more simple than that, right? (You know, except for the felony charges […]

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