Leaked photos suggest Fuji’s new Instax SQ10 Square camera might be an analogue digital hybrid

Fuji’s Instax square format camera was first mentioned at Photokina back in September last year. At the time it was “in development”. Shortly after they released a somewhat cryptic short movie to advertise the camera. Now, it seems the development may be completed. Fuji Rumors are reporting what appear to possibly be the first photos […]

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Model Mayhem restructures membership levels and limits Basic accounts

Model Mayhem, favorite among many creatives, has recently redefined its membership structure. Starting from this month, they have limited many perks they used to offer with the free account. This, in a way, forces you to pay for membership, at least if you want to reach more people and find more work. While this move […]

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This is how DSLR users look in 2017 according to some guy on Craigslist

You know, it’s funny. The only people who seem to care what DSLR users look like are the people who no longer use DSLRs. Most users aren’t so publicly vocal about it as a particular user on Craigslist. This was spotted by our buddy Mitch over at Planet5D on Facebook. When looking a little deeper into […]

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The wait is finally over – Photopills is now available for Android

PhotoPills has become one of the most popular iOS apps out there for location photographers. Whether you shoot landscapes, astrophotography, portraits, or anything else on location, it’s a valuable tool. It’s also a tool that’s previously been exclusive to the Apple mobile platform. Now, all that changes as PhotoPills comes to Android. The team behind […]

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Sony announces Digital Filter: in-camera graduated ND filter

Sony has announced “Digital Filter”, a new camera app that mimics the use of graduated ND filters. It allows you to divide the scene you’re shooting into two or three areas and set exposure and white balance for each of them separately. As a result, you can get an image with balanced light when shooting […]

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Van driver who damaged Death Valley salt flats may face fine and jail time

Last week, photogenic and protected salt flats in Death Valley National Park were damaged.  A van driver left drove off a half mile off Badwater Road, leaving tracks in the salt flats. After doing this, he or she just left the vehicle there and left the site. And unfortunately, the tracks are not the only […]

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“Apple is dead to me” – Trey Ratcliffe talks about his transition to Windows

Apple have taken a lot of criticism over the last year or so, especially from working photographers, editors and designers. Partially because of new dongle requirements, and due to the limited amount of RAM. Some blame this on Apple’s dedication to the iPhone and iPad above all else. Personally, I think they’re just turning their […]

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Singer and photographer fight over use of flash at Gasparilla Music Festival

Ryan Adams’ performance at Gasparilla Music Festival had good music and good vibe, but also one unpleasant event. the singer and photographer Joe Sale fell out over the use of flash. Sale took photos of the concert using a flash, while it was strictly prohibited. It’s not a caprice – it’s because the singer has […]

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Lens manufacturer Veydra HQ broken into, over 200 lenses stolen

Filmmakers, Veydra fans and everyone who is interested in lenses, pay attention! Last night, someone broke into Veydra headquarters in California and stole over 200 Veydra Mini Prime Lenses. The company is offering a reward for any information that could lead to returning the stolen lenses back to their inventory. Veydra has issued the announcement […]

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