
How to balance ambient light with flash

Many camera and flashgun combinations do a great job of producing images with exposure that’s nicely balanced automatically in a wide range of situations, but if you want to take more creative images or be able to assume control when the automated systems fail, you need to understand how to do the work yourself. Here, we explain how to balance flash with ambient light.

The post How to balance ambient light with flash appeared first on Digital Camera World.

How to use lens flare to create atmospheric photos

Jason Parnell-Brookes reveals how to use lens flare to your advantage to create atmospheric, summery scenes. Usually photographers work hard to avoid lens flare. It can be distracting, causing metering issues and introducing specular highlights. Sometimes, however, you can take advantage of it. For this technique to work, the sun needs to be near the… Continue reading

The post How to use lens flare to create atmospheric photos appeared first on Digital Camera World.

Using V-Flats with Backlit Portraits

When using backlighting in an image, the first thing to decide on the light source. For beauty portraits, I prefer to use natural light, as it has a soft and lovely look to it, but this can easily be accomplished with studio lighting. In this tutorial, images are taken using a very large window diffused by sheer […]