Concert photography jobs: how you can make more money by shooting music

There are a lot more music photographers than there are music photography jobs — that’s just how it is in this corner of the industry. It’s a port of entry for many hobbyist photographers, and the result is saturation of the market. A lot of budding photographers are willing to work for free, making the […]

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Money matters: how to determine the value of your work and communicate it to your clients

Money is a sensitive topic among photographers, and it’s especially tricky if you’re new to charging for your services. Many photographers don’t want to sound like “bad guys” when determining the price, so they tend to devalue their work. Also, sometimes it’s difficult to determine what exactly your services are worth. In this video, Photographer […]

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Are Generic Camera Products Worth it?

Like many of us, I am on a budget. I want to save money and buy things that I perceive to be a good deal. As you are aware, there are third-party options for just about everything in dealing with our cameras. Some are absolutely worth it and some just don’t make the cut.  Here are a few […]