Setting Up the Shot: Commercial Studio Headshot

Here is a basic set up to achieve a commercial studio headshot. If you’ve never played with lights, it can be intimidating but once you just do it, you will find you have much more control and it’s not as scary as you imagine. This is a very basic set up with two lights. 1 Key light, 1 […]

Pinball Heroes: How I Previsualized and Realized a Photograph

When I heard that Photofocus was renting the Pinball Hall of Fame for a party, my mind started going crazy with ideas. The plan was to host a party during Photoshop World in Las Vegas and invite Photofocus readers to join us for a live shoot with models and borrowable cameras from The party […]

Pinball Heroes: How I Previsualized and Realized a Photograph

When I heard that Photofocus was renting the Pinball Hall of Fame for a party, my mind started going crazy with ideas. The plan was to host a party during Photoshop World in Las Vegas and invite Photofocus readers to join us for a live shoot with models and borrowable cameras from The party […]