Photographer creates realistic locations for miniature photography on a budget

We enjoy presenting you with creative photographers who shoot miniatures, make stuff on the budget, or take realistic photos of miniatures. Indian photographer Vatsal Kataria combines all three! First of all, he uses some cheap materials to build surroundings for his miniature photos. Then, he takes miniature photos that look as if they were made […]

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The photographer creates super-realistic scenes from the 20th century using model cars and buildings

Do you enjoy vintage photos from the mid-20th century? Photographer Michael Paul Smith has a vast collection of such photographs. They show the world as it was from the 1920s to 1960s – but they were all made using model cars and model buildings he makes himself. His photos are so masterfully done, you would […]

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This photographer creates wildlife and underwater photos without leaving his studio

Do you dream of traveling the world and taking photos of wildlife all over the globe? And does it sometimes get you down if you can’t do it? Egyptian photographer Amr Elshamy has the same dream, but he turns it into a reality – without leaving his studio. He creates “wildlife and underwater photography” using […]

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Go behind the scenes to see how this VW bus was shot in the snow

The photography of Mexico based Felix Hernández is nothing short of remarkable. Felix specialises in turning dreams into reality, at least, photographically, and he does it in some absolutely amazing ways. Utilising an array of techniques including miniatures, dry ice and even cigarette smoke, his work shows some elaborate thinking. In this video, we get see […]

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Japanese Photographer Spends 5 Years Creating Incredible Mini-Dioramas Every Day

I love miniature photography, especially when it’s as creative as Tatsuya Tanaka. The way the photographer can look at single piece of pasta and think “water slide!” or a dish sponge and think “rock climbing!” It such an outside-the-box way of looking at the small, everyday objects most of us don’t pay much more attention […]

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