This 4K black & white storm timelapse shows incredible tornadoes and thunderstorms

The name Mike Olbinski has become fairly synonymous with with amazing weather timelapse films. And he’s kicked 2017 off to an amazing start with Pulse, a 4K black & white timelapses showing some absolutely incredible storms and tornadoes. We’re so used to seeing these things full of vibrant colour, that black & white often looks […]

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This amazing storm timelapse makes rainclouds look like floating waterfalls

When I’m heading out location scouting or to do a shoot, we often drive through rain 3 or 4 times before we get there. The weather around here is full of all sorts of different microclimates, some small, some large. So it’s not uncommon to see columns of rain coming down in the distance. Rarely, […]

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Photographer chased storms for 18 days over 20,000 miles to make this epic timelapse

The amount of ridiculously good timelapses coming out this year that are putting the rest of us to shame is just getting crazy. Still, we can’t help but watch in awe and admire. In Mike Olbinski’s 6 minute video, Vorticity, we’re taken on a whirlwind journey (quite literally) covering 18 days of storm chasing, 20,000 miles through nine […]

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Photographer chased storms for 18 days over 20,000 miles to make this epic timelapse

The amount of ridiculously good timelapses coming out this year that are putting the rest of us to shame is just getting crazy. Still, we can’t help but watch in awe and admire. In Mike Olbinski’s 6 minute video, Vorticity, we’re taken on a whirlwind journey (quite literally) covering 18 days of storm chasing, 20,000 miles through nine […]

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