Watch how I shot Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII with the world’s first 360 BTS

A while back, Eujin Goh from Broncolor Singapore approached me and asked if I would like to collaborate using some Broncolor gear in a conceptual photoshoot that I could hammer out. I jumped at the chance and was thrilled to know that I would be using some of Broncolor’s latest tech – the Siros L […]

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How I brought Fate Zero Saber to life with a spray bottle

Sometimes bringing a toy to life is just a matter of setting it in the right environment. For me this was the case when shooting Fate Zero Saber and her Motored Cuirassier. While this shot may seem fancy, it was actually taken in corridor just outside my home. I did ran into some difficulties especially getting […]

The post How I brought Fate Zero Saber to life with a spray bottle appeared first on DIY Photography.

10 Ways to be a Better Wedding Guest (and make a photographer happy)

I was scrolling through my Facebook feeds and came across an article featuring a wedding photographer’s rant on disruptive guests who get in the way of wedding photographers who are just doing their job. Good to note that the photographer who was featured in the article did his best to get good shots by getting […]

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