Photographer turns 10,000 plastic bottles into an ocean for this mermaid shoot

The ideas of conservation, living “green”, fighting pollution and global warming have been at the front of everybody’s mind in recent years. Well, almost everybody. It’s gotten to the point, though, where many have become numb to the relentless commercials and posters telling us to recycle and do this and that for the planet’s benefit. […]

The post Photographer turns 10,000 plastic bottles into an ocean for this mermaid shoot appeared first on DIY Photography.

Photographer turns 10,000 plastic bottles into an ocean for this mermaid shoot

The ideas of conservation, living “green”, fighting pollution and global warming have been at the front of everybody’s mind in recent years. Well, almost everybody. It’s gotten to the point, though, where many have become numb to the relentless commercials and posters telling us to recycle and do this and that for the planet’s benefit. […]

The post Photographer turns 10,000 plastic bottles into an ocean for this mermaid shoot appeared first on DIY Photography.