Fuji GFX 50S is a New 51MP Medium Format Camera

I asked a couple months ago whether Fuji would be the one to kick off the coming medium format revolution? With today’s announcement of the Fuji GFX system in development, we’re closer to finding that out. The Fuji GFX 50S is coming early 2017 (no price yet) and will feature a 51.4MP sensor that measures […]

How to “scan” film using your DSLR and process it in Lightroom

For those that shoot film, developing and dealing with chemicals isn’t usually the biggest hassle. Often it’s scanning the resulting film into the computer. Many lower end scanners simply don’t have the quality. Higher end ones, even flatbeds like the Epson Perfection V850 are out of the range of many film shooters. Drum scanners like […]

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Creating conceptual photography for a transport company

An Advertising Agency approach me for making the Key-visuals for a transportation Industry Company. They had the idea of forming different Mode of Transportation like Car, Boat, Moto and Truck with the Body of their Worker. To get the best out of the idea. I had to modify the idea, and work with professional Dancers instead […]

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This world record holder has 4500 cameras in his collection

Imagine if every time you bought a new camera, you broke a world record. That’s what happens to Dilish Parekh, owner of the largest collection of stills cameras in the world. He currently owns around 4500 cameras, icnluding Leica, Canon, Nikon, Zeiss, Kodak, Linhof, Rolleiflex and much more. In this three and a half minute video, […]

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The Coming Medium Format Revolution: Will Fuji Kick it Off?

Fujifilm has been killing it over the past few years in both film and digital formats. Even though the company killed off the last type of peel-apart film when it discontinued its FP-100c film earlier this year, Fujifilm Instax is the hottest photography product on the market. The Fuji X-Series lures DSLR users over to […]

Fuji’s “Definitely more affordable” mirrorless medium format camera expected to be announced by September

Information about Fuji’s possible entry into the mirrorless medium format world is mostly just speculation, but it seems it’s becoming a matter of “when” rather than “if” Fuji will announce something. Fuji Rumors are reporting that a “trusted source” has told them it will be “definitely more affordable” than Hasselblad’s new X1D. There’s been talk about Fuji releasing a medium format […]

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Hasselblad’s X1D is a 50MP Medium Format Camera for $9K

Hasselblad has downsized medium format cameras with the introduction of the new Hasselblad X1D. With the same 50MP 43.8mm x 32.9mm CMOS sensor we see in the much more expensive Hasselblad H5D, the X1D shaves size, weight and price for a formiddable medium format package that could be a sign of the future for photography pros […]

Hasselblad’s new medium format mirrorless X1D camera leaked

After showing us a few teaser images, and ahead of tomorrow’s announcement of what is expected to be a new medium format mirrorless camera from Hasselblad, images and info have been leaked. It seems every time a new camera is about to be released, somebody somewhere always slips up and lets content out online before […]

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Hasselblad tease with new “Game Changer” possibly 50MP mirrorless camera

Hasselblad are about to make a big “game changing” announcement in a few days and boy have the rumours been flying. but one theory seems to be the most likely at the moment. Both Photo Rumors and Mirrorless Rumors are reporting that the likelihood that this will be a new high end medium format mirrorless camera, containing the same […]

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