A Complete 30 Minutes Night Timelapse Tutorial That Covers Everything You Need To Know

Taking a time-lapse is a complex task. Unlike a photo, which you can chimp and (usually) retake, retaking a time-lapse is not as trivial. This is why understanding how time-lapses work and how to take them is crucial before going out on the field. This tutorial by Mark Gee (previously) is a full crash course on […]

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Photographers Moonrise Is A Short Movie Inspiration To Anyone Who Wants To Shoot The Moon

New Zealand based astrophotographer Mark Gee (previously, and here) has quite a creative take on the Super Moon we had last week. I mean, we all shot the Super Moon (didn’t we) but Mark documented the shooting of the Super Moon with a few of his photographer friends, taking the whole thing to a new […]

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