This living room shoot shows the importance of back light for making a scene real

I love a good living room studio. Not everyone can afford a full fledged studio and for many, the photography room living room is the only option. Probably not to the delight of the significant other. Manny Ortiz (previously) shows a clever way to make the living room look bigger using a portable seamless black […]

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Video showing the power of High Speed Sync in a bright environment

We have probably already established that just one soft light can make a huge difference in how a picture looks, but many times it is too bright to use a strobe. If you want to get a correct exposure with a wide aperture, you need a very fast shutter speeds. Sadly most systems don’t like […]

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This short video shows how one soft light can make a huge difference in final result

There is a lot of power you can master once you go from available light to even using one strobe. Photographer Manuel Ortiz demonstrates it in this short video where he compares two shots right out of camera (of course the photos can be later enhanced, but for the sake of this experiment, it is better […]

The post This short video shows how one soft light can make a huge difference in final result appeared first on DIY Photography.