Billboard Magazine issues a cover shot with an iPhone 7 Plus’ Portrait Mode

You may argue if iPhone 7 Plus’ Portrait mode is any good. Some people love it and some hate it, but apparently – it was good enough for Billboard Magazine. Photographer Miller Mobley shot the February 17 issue of Billboard magazine, featuring a rising pop star Camila Cabello on the cover. And despite the fact that […]

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Behind The Scenes with Sports Illustrated, Will Smith and Michael Grecco

I’m sure almost everybody would love to have the opportunity to photograph the likes of Will Smith for a high profile magazine like Sports Illustrated.  I know I sure would. For the vast majority of us that will almost certainly never happen, but award winning Director and Photographer Michael Grecco recently did exactly that. What’s the next […]

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The Evolution of Magazine Covers

Karen X. Cheng and Jerry Gabra take a look at how we’ve changed in the past 100 years Cosmopolitan Woah. Cosmopolitan covers started out with women dressed conservatively. Then they started showing some skin. Then more skin. Finally, they started posing in sexy positions. As women have earned more rights throughout the years, they’ve also […]

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