How to Color grade using Luminosity-Masks

As you probably know, I am a bit obsessed with colors lately. While I was obsessively looking around and searching and asking people until they didn’t answer my requests anymore, something popped up and I have to share it because it’s simple and brilliant: Color Grading using luminosity masks. Zoë Noble just released a 10-minutes tutorial on Youtube, explaining […]

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How to Color grade using Luminosity-Masks

As you probably know, I am a bit obsessed with colors lately. While I was obsessively looking around and searching and asking people until they didn’t answer my requests anymore, something popped up and I have to share it because it’s simple and brilliant: Color Grading using luminosity masks. Zoë Noble just released a 10-minutes tutorial on Youtube, explaining […]

The post How to Color grade using Luminosity-Masks appeared first on DIY Photography.

Making perfect skies with luminosity masks and Blend If sliders

Masking different layers based on brightness is an often tricky but vital Photoshop skill to have. There’s a bunch of different ways of doing it from the simple to the advanced. Two of the most common methods are by using Luminosity Masks or with Photoshop’s “Blend If” layer options. While the two might appear to […]

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Before & After – A post processing comparison with Peter Stewart

I like to approach my digital photography with a certain sense of the fantastical and the surreal. Many of my architectural and cityscape images feature the use of bracketed multiple exposures, which allow me to retain highlight detail in things like window lights and neon signs when shooting at night, or shadow detail in underexposed […]

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