Finding locations with great light with the King of the urban jungle!

Today I’m here with Kyle Cong running through his approach on shooting out on location with strobes and how he finds them! Hey Kyle! The first thing that struck me about your work was the colour toning and how beautifully focused your compositions were. Your location choices are spot on! Can you tell us about your […]

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If you’re shooting flash outdoors, your colours are probably wrong. Here’s how to fix it with gels

Shooting on location with flash is one of the fun parts of portrait photography for me. But, depending on the lighting conditions where you’re shooting, your flash may not be putting out the same colour as the ambient light. This means that while your subject may appear perfect, the environment can appear very cool or […]

The post If you’re shooting flash outdoors, your colours are probably wrong. Here’s how to fix it with gels appeared first on DIY Photography.

Lighting direction as a tool: Popping vs blending your subject within a scene

As someone who shoots on location a lot I’m often given a choice on what I like to call “popping” or “blending” a subject into a scene, in short this really as as simple as using your main light source to either complement the direction of a natural / embedded light source in a scene […]

The post Lighting direction as a tool: Popping vs blending your subject within a scene appeared first on DIY Photography.