One Simple Tip To Up Your Sales

As photographers, we have a pretty awesome job. Take pictures & make people happy. Unfortunately, we also have to find ways to sell, and upsell, our work to pay for that equipment, that studio, food, mortgages, and well, just about everything else. Problem is, these days imagery is so prevalent, many consumers fail to see […]

Photographer of The Day: Weddings

Category: Wedding Photographer: Armen Melik-Abramians Why I chose this photo: I chose this image because of the striking moment that it captured. The expression on the bride’s face is beautiful & poised. Viewers can easily lose themselves looking into this bride’s face. Photo originally shared on our Photofocus Facebook Group Page here. To learn how your […]

Photo of The Day: Weddings

Category: Wedding Photographer: Armen Melik-Abramians I chose this image for Wedding Photo of The Day because of the options for interpretation in presents. It could be considered a different take on a bridal portrait or a different take on a bouquet detail. Either way I love that it clearly shows the detail of the beautiful […]

Photo of The Day: Weddings

Category: Wedding Photographer: Arlindo Namour Filho I chose this image for Wedding Photo of The Day because I loved that it was not your usual wedding image. It shows just enough context of the environment to be informative, but also enough to leave you wondering where it is exactly. Also, the photographer poses the couple […]

Why Your Camera is Like a Faucet

Seems like an odd title to an article, right? Well, it’s true! If you’ve ever thought about making the switch to exposing fully manually, but struggled to get apertures and shutter speeds to do what you want them to do, all you  need to do is to remember that your camera is just like a […]

Gear I Can’t Live Without On Wedding Day

Over the years of photographing weddings I’ve learned how to edit the amount of gear I take with me. In the beginning, I was unsure of what I’d come across so my car would be stuffed silly with all kinds of things that I never ended up touching. Here’s what has stood the test of […]

Want Drama? Shoot With The Light

I often spend a lot of time at a wedding wrestling with light. Different sources, color temperatures, intensities are all over. Often, I find I like to shoot into the light to create a dreamy, open, bright feeling to my images because those are all qualities that typically go along with weddings. However, sometimes, I […]

My Wedding Workflow: Start to Finish

Thinking back to when I started my wedding photography business in 2006, I had no idea what I was getting myself in to. I thought there would be some communication before the day, show up for a long day of photographing, then kick back on the couch for a bit while I edit, and voila! […]

Quick Time Sync Idea for Multiple Cameras

As a wedding photographer, I have plenty of cameras to keep track of. Usually at least two are mine, at least two are my second shooter’s, and occasionally I have an intern along as well. That means there are a lot of opportunities for time variations with the internal clock of the camera. I would […]

Quick Time Sync Idea for Multiple Cameras

As a wedding photographer, I have plenty of cameras to keep track of. Usually at least two are mine, at least two are my second shooter’s, and occasionally I have an intern along as well. That means there are a lot of opportunities for time variations with the internal clock of the camera. I would […]