How effective would a Photoshop traffic light system be on advertising images?

Last week Target announced that its forthcoming swimwear advertising campaign will be Photoshop-free. It’s an approach that I endorse, and I was intrigued to see some of the comments on the article here on DIYPhotography. Don Barnard suggested that having a traffic light system, a little like the nutritional content warnings on food packaging, showing […]

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Workarounds for Broken Liquify in Photoshop CC 2015.1

I was retouching a photograph of Amy Patterson that had a wardrobe failure. The left side of her corset looked like it just didn’t fit. This is a quick fix in Photoshop using Liquify. Liquify Problem I discovered that Liquify is broken in the latest release of Photoshop CC 2015.1. A very bright block appears […]