How to enhance and create gorgeous light rays in your landscapes in Photoshop

We’ve all been there, we see a gorgeous beautifully lit scene before us while we’re out with friends or family, but we don’t have our camera with us. So, we go back… every day.. for a month… and nothing. No matter how often we may return to a location to try and recreate that day, […]

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How To Make Light Rays Through Clouds In Photoshop

In this new video from Phlearn, Aaron Nace walks us through how to create light rays through clouds inside Photoshop. He does this buy using the radial blur filter as a smart filter, along with some simple strokes from the brush tool. Pretty cool results. Check it out above.

How To Make Light Rays Through Clouds In Photoshop

In this new video from Phlearn, Aaron Nace walks us through how to create light rays through clouds inside Photoshop. He does this buy using the radial blur filter as a smart filter, along with some simple strokes from the brush tool. Pretty cool results. Check it out above.