How to make a simple and inexpensive DIY light painting brush

I never really done much light painting before, always liked the idea of it but somehow have just never got round to it, or found the right subject for it.  Also I’m not hugely keen on wandering about in the dark, tripping over all the crap I have left lying around on the studio floor […]

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These orbs were created in-camera using light painting and plexiglass

When I first saw these orbs, I was almost sure that they we were computer generated. I was wrong. The orbs are a work of art from German Light Art master Bernhard Rauscher (a.k.a. lumenman), and were made using self made plexiglass blades. I was curious about the perfect orbs, so I reached out to Bernhard to learn […]

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How to paint wings with light using the Light Painting Brushes’ new feather attachment

Light painting is a fascinating technique that’s evolved over the last few years from the humble flashlight into an elaborate array of tools, gadgets, gizmos, and even apps, with ever more wild and creative results being produced on a daily basis. In this video, Jason D. Page shows us how to use the new Plexiglass feather attachment […]

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