How a photographer created fantastic light painting with fire

“Playing with fire” denotes something dangerous and with a possible negative outcome. But in photography, playing with fire can be exactly the opposite. If you do it right, it can lead to fantastic and creative images. Photographer ‎Zach Smidt gave us an excellent example of this. His image named The Ritual is playing with fire at […]

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How to create glowing text titles in-camera without Photoshop

Ever since Stranger Things, glowing title text has once again become a popular theme. Much of it now, though, is created in post. It’s fairly simple to do in either Photoshop or After Effects, too. But it always has that look of artificiality. It’s too perfect, too clean. It doesn’t have that organic feel of […]

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How a photographer creates “Pyramids in the Sky” using camera rotation and sunset

I’ve heard many people say sunset photos are cliché and they all look the same. Therefore, I’m glad to present you with a project that makes them as unique as you can imagine. Photographer Jason D. Page has published a series named “Pyramids in the Sky”, featuring fantastic photos taken at dusk. But these images […]

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This photographer created phoenix wings by light painting with real fire

Light painting is something many of us try at some point in our photographic journey. Some of us just make a brief visit into this world, but others make it their home. One such photographer is Derek VanAlthuis, an avid light painter who’s produced some outstanding work. One such image is the one above. When I […]

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How to make a simple and inexpensive DIY light painting brush

I never really done much light painting before, always liked the idea of it but somehow have just never got round to it, or found the right subject for it.  Also I’m not hugely keen on wandering about in the dark, tripping over all the crap I have left lying around on the studio floor […]

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This photographer uses a mirrored disco ball to light up a VW Camper

Yesterday, I ran across an image by photographer, Chris Frosin. Chris is an automotive photographer for several car magazines in the UK. Many of the cars he shoots are vintage classics. They’ve been around for decades and photographed a million different ways. So, in an effort to keep things fresh, Chris is always trying to push himself and […]

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These orbs were created in-camera using light painting and plexiglass

When I first saw these orbs, I was almost sure that they we were computer generated. I was wrong. The orbs are a work of art from German Light Art master Bernhard Rauscher (a.k.a. lumenman), and were made using self made plexiglass blades. I was curious about the perfect orbs, so I reached out to Bernhard to learn […]

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Fog machine + projector + copper wire lights = AWESOME

We are big fans or Eric Pare and Kim Henry, the photographer/dancer duo has created some epic art over the years. Now, they are coming back with a new technique that involves fog machine, a projector and some copper lights. The shooting was done to celebrate Eric’s new light painting studio, and a celebration they […]

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Go behind the scenes to see how this VW bus was shot in the snow

The photography of Mexico based Felix Hernández is nothing short of remarkable. Felix specialises in turning dreams into reality, at least, photographically, and he does it in some absolutely amazing ways. Utilising an array of techniques including miniatures, dry ice and even cigarette smoke, his work shows some elaborate thinking. In this video, we get see […]

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Improving your night photography with foreground lighting

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to night photography is incorporating good foreground elements, but learning a few simple tricks will instantly elevate your game. If you’ve ever snapped a shot of the Milky Way in a very dark area on a moonless night, you will find that the landscape elements will often be silhouetted […]

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