How to build a cheap collapsible DIY light box

Clear, well-lit photos of your projects are among the best ways to share your work with others. Few techniques highlight your project as well as an all white light box with soft, even, shadow-free lighting. Not only is the white background distraction free, it will also serve to bounce your light source onto your object […]

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Make this unordinary DIY light box with only three items and for less than $10

DIYP team has seen and made some pretty awesome DIY light boxes using all sorts of materials: PVC pipes, coroplast and a cardboard box, to name a few. And now we’ve found something a bit … unordinary. But it’s cheap, easy, and most of all – it seems to work. It could be good as “first […]

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How to “scan” film using your DSLR and process it in Lightroom

For those that shoot film, developing and dealing with chemicals isn’t usually the biggest hassle. Often it’s scanning the resulting film into the computer. Many lower end scanners simply don’t have the quality. Higher end ones, even flatbeds like the Epson Perfection V850 are out of the range of many film shooters. Drum scanners like […]

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Using a $7.99 IKEA Lack Table To Build A Lightbox

Ever seen those IKEA Lack tables? They feel suspiciously light right? This is because, as this tutorial will demonstrate, they are not made of wood. They are just a covered honeycombed piece of cardboard. But for this tutorial’s sake, this is actually a good thing. If you are looking for someone to thank to, Jack Watney […]

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