An extreme weather review of the Leica M-P

With the recent release of the Leica’s new M10 I noticed an interesting commonality amongst the reviews. Almost all of them tested the camera in sunny, dry, or interior environments. Now I understand that Leica’s are expensive cameras and that reviewers and owners may not want to risk their equipment, but it strikes me that […]

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Panasonic announces GH5 firmware update, new Leica MFT zoom lens and ZS70 / TZ90 4K compact travel camera

When the GH5 was announced, there was a big deal made about its ability to shoot 10Bit 4:2:2 video. But there were a few issues. Mostly that it didn’t offer it in all resolutions and modes. The first of two planned firmware updates has now officially been announced. Available from April 24th, it offers 4:2:2 […]

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Leica celebrates 100th anniversary with videos, a book and limited edition products

This year, the legendary Leica camera turns 100. Exactly 100 years ago, Oskar Barnack’s workshop journal listed “Liliput camera for cine film completed”. And this camera shaped the history of the 20th-century photography. Leica’s birthday celebration includes a range of content. It starts with the video about the history of Leica and its inventor Oskar […]

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Deal: Leica Rangefinder Bundles for $2000 Off

B&H has Leica savings up to $2000 off when you buy a select Leica digital rangefinders and lenses together. You can find the qualifying cameras and lenses here at B&H Photo. Just select the camera you want and choose the “Build Bundle” option under the “Add to Cart” button. Copyright/DMCA Notice: The RSS entry was […]

This Leica tin box begs for your desktop clutter

You know that film cameras are perfect for storing memories. Now, this Leica M3 tin replica box will store, well, other stuff. This little tin box is made after the iconic Leica M3 and resembles the camera in size and looks (size-wise that means 138mm x 71mm x 77mm). Only instead of having optics and mechanics, it […]

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This Leica tin box begs for your desktop clutter

You know that film cameras are perfect for storing memories. Now, this Leica M3 tin replica box will store, well, other stuff. This little tin box is made after the iconic Leica M3 and resembles the camera in size and looks (size-wise that means 138mm x 71mm x 77mm). Only instead of having optics and mechanics, it […]

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Yo dawg, I heard you like hipster, so we put some instant film in your Leica

Despite doing everything possible to kill off analogue photography, Fuji have done wonders for instant film. The trend has seen a resurgence in recent years, becoming extremely popular. This has not gone unnoticed, especially by Leica. Leica have now announced that they’re producing their own instant film camera, the SOFORT (German for “instant”). IT is […]

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This world record holder has 4500 cameras in his collection

Imagine if every time you bought a new camera, you broke a world record. That’s what happens to Dilish Parekh, owner of the largest collection of stills cameras in the world. He currently owns around 4500 cameras, icnluding Leica, Canon, Nikon, Zeiss, Kodak, Linhof, Rolleiflex and much more. In this three and a half minute video, […]

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Panasonic unveil the super fast wide angle Leica DG Summilux 12mm f/1.4 lens

Panasonic have announced a new ultra fast, wide lens built for professional daily use.  The Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 12mm f/1.4 ASPH lens for Micro Four Thirds cameras seems built to meet the needs of demanding photographers and filmmakers who need maximum resolution and low light performance. Giving the equivalent field of view as that of […]

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