This nifty interactive tool will help you learn photography basics

According to the results of a survey Sony published in 2012, as much as two thirds of non-professional DSLR users have never or rarely taken their camera out of auto mode. There may be plenty of reasons for this, such as buying a camera for fun or as a status symbol. But one of the […]

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This nifty interactive tool will help you learn photography basics

According to the results of a survey Sony published in 2012, as much as two thirds of non-professional DSLR users have never or rarely taken their camera out of auto mode. There may be plenty of reasons for this, such as buying a camera for fun or as a status symbol. But one of the […]

The post This nifty interactive tool will help you learn photography basics appeared first on DIY Photography.

How to Be a Zen Photographer

I’m a big fan of Zen/Taoist, Eastern philosophy. Even though I am very pro-American at heart (in terms of our love for risk-taking, for individuality, and for freedom), I see a lot of negatives of the American/Western line of thinking. There is too much focus on “profit”, “success”, and externalizing your self-worth in terms of […]

The post How to Be a Zen Photographer appeared first on DIY Photography.

Free Photography Classes for DIYP Readers – Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

I’m feeling very Christmasy today – shopping is done, gifts are wrapped, projects are mostly complete for the year and I’m looking forward to a little time off before re-booting in the New Year. I thought that it would be fun to kill two birds with one stone – I have a nice Christmas present […]

The post Free Photography Classes for DIYP Readers – Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! appeared first on DIY Photography.