How to reduce noise and more easily work with “Blend if” layer sliders in Photoshop CC

Photoshop’s layer blending options are some of its most powerful tools but also one of its most frustrating, particularly the “Blend if” sliders.  Designed to help you blend a layer with those below it based on the luminance of colour channels, actually seeing what’s effect it’s having on a layer often can be difficult. In this video from […]

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Focus On Your Subject By Using Layers

There are many ways that we, as photographers, bring focus to the subjects of our photos. We use light and shadow, composition, and focal points. One of my favorite ways of bringing focus to my subjects that isn’t one of those options is  to layer found elements of the environment. Layers can be created from […]

Add Hanging Letters on an Image using Photoshop

Inspired by the cover image of Rich Harrington’s recent post ‘An In-Depth Look at Selling, Budgeting, and Planning Video Projects’ in this tutorial I’ll be looking at how to take text and manipulate it so that it looks like it’s hanging from ropes. I’ll be exploring how to change the text to shapes, moving and […]